Despite Social Networking being one of the most important tools in today’s business world, it’s shocking how many people are missing out on a tiny slice of the action due to lack of knowledge.
There can be several factors why this is the case, for this particular blog let’s focus on just one – AGE.
Case Study
Walsh’s English Supermarket & Jamaican Kitchen
I (Andy Ward) have lived in Spain for 12 years now. I miss being able to get my hands on some traditional Caribbean cuisine on the Costa Blanca, food that was readily available all across Birmingham (no, to my shame I’ve never cooked ‘proper’ yard food). A couple of weeks ago I saw a post in an expat group on Facebook from a guy saying how upset he was that a local shop was closing down, meaning he would not be able to get his Curry Goat and Patties any more around here. “WHAT ??” I thought… “How have I not heard about this place?”.
Cut a long story short, it turns out that the guy was actually mistaken and the shop wasn’t closing at all, just a little change in the ‘set up’ due to several factors. It had got my attention though.
So I went down to the shop, a place that I have driven past on many occasions and, to my surprise, I had even been sat OUTSIDE in a café about three weeks ago ! A typical, unassuming ‘expat’ shop you see all around this area selling English products, newspapers, drinks etc but there, despite being in plain view next to the till, a small heated food cabinet you’d easily miss with THE TASTIEST HOMEMADE curried patties in I’ve tasted for some time. Hidden in the freezer, packs of stewed chicken, rice & peas. Heaven ! I’m going off track…
The lovely proprietor of the shop, Gilroy Walsh, told me that he and his wife had been in the shop for a long time and have a few regular customers for the food but the shop is barely ticking over. This surprised me totally. There and then, after tasting what he could do and going away with some to try at home, I said I could help him.
Your ‘typical’ Expat business owner.
Like most British people living in this part of Spain, Gilroy is the ‘other’ side of 50, not really up to speed with technology and totally out of the loop when it comes to online marketing, Twitter & Facebook. This means he is already miles behind the rest of his competition that utilises all the tools at their disposal.
Within 24 hours I had set him up his own Walsh’s Facebook Page that now has over 70 likes (admittedly, not massive numbers but this WILL grow) and over 450 page visits, in just one day. This is from a genuine, word of mouth “campaign” I started on the same expat forum to drive traffic to his page and to create interest for what Gilroy can do.
I’ve started the ball rolling for him now, I’m sure he will run with it and his talents in the kitchen will do the rest. Good luck Gilroy !
(btw, all that was free because I warmed to Gilroy and his food really is THAT good)
Don’t let your fear of technology hold you back
Really, I’ve skirted over many many issues that Gilroy and others like him face when it comes to promoting services and businesses in today’s marketplace.
I have created this blog in the hope I can reach out to people, predominantly here on the Costa Blanca but indeed anywhere in the world.
Despite it seeming like an advert for what I can do, I’m not looking to get any work out of it (although I’d be happy to help out if you wanted me to)
It pains me when there are thousands of bars, restaurants, shops, singers, self-employed individuals who are all missing out down to their sheer lack of knowledge, when it doesn’t have to be like that.
Cutting corners by employing staff who have no knowledge of what they’re meant to be doing in their “marketing/promotion” roles is lunacy. Maybe I should start a training company ?? Now there’s an idea, lol.
It is also somewhat embarrassing to see some of the excuses for promotion many establishments use out here, from AWFUL artwork, to badly written menus, useless Facebook promotion, out-of-date websites that are no longer relevant to today’s devices etc etc.
What are your options to increase your business ? :
- Get a few well-prepared and colourful flyers, it doesn’t have to be expensive.
- Get a striking Facebook advert, and use it everywhere.
- Start a Facebook page, it’s free and the instructions to set one up are simple. Make sure you use it wisely and grow your contacts organically (only the people that are relevant to you)
- Build a database of loyal customers and contacts and send mail outs to them on a regular basis
If you are serious about increasing your brand’s value or visibility but don’t have any spare cash, then I can help with a very basic website to get you going and you can pay in instalments. We can even discuss me taking on your marketing as a small project and advising you what to do in detail, for a small fee until you are flying on your own.
Please, stop for a second and think about what you are doing for your business and feel free to contact me if you want to discuss anything I have mentioned here.